Showcasing small businesses doing big things

All products we source are from local and independent small businesses in and around Pescadero. Thank you for supporting our local artists, handcrafters and farmers.


Featured Artisans

More information on our local artists, farmers, handcrafters and makers.

Butano Broomcraft

Beautiful brooms that are handmade using high-quality broomcorn, twine and local materials such as driftwood, myrtle, hazel and bull kelp.

More info →

Fifth Crow Farm

A dynamic and diversified organic farm striving to provide the highest quality, best tasting, and most nutritious food possible.

Coastside Home Goods

Thoughtfully made small-batch sundries created in Pescadero.

Pescadero, California

A small coastal town with an abundance of natural beauty and amazing people. Making the forests, beaches and the Pescadero Marsh our playground, we are a small community of farmers and ranchers, artists and makers, dreamers and explorers. Come to Pescadero for a visit - or, let us send you a curated collection of items that showcase the best of our area.